Finding a FAN Group! We meet Face to Face where we can and where we feel everyone can be safe. To find a FAN meeting you need to look in two places. Look at the listings for an area you can reach to find Face to Face Groups. Look in Virtual FAN for Zoom meetings which you can go to wherever you are in Wales or the world. You can attend as many Groups as you like.
FAN Groups meet weekly and are for men and women. Come and join us for an hour of friendly conversation. If you are learning English or are new to the area coming to FAN is a great way to meet local people and to make friends. FAN Groups are accessible and free.
FAN is a South Wales based charity, and the majority of its FAN Groups are found in the area between Cardiff and Swansea/Llanelli. However, The FAN Charity welcomes a desire to create FAN Groups outside its South Wales heartland. This can be in other parts of Wales and the other nations of the United Kingdom, and also in countries around the world. In that context, potential FAN Facilitators will be welcome to take part in the Facilitator Training offered via Zoom periodically. They will be encouraged to follow the FAN Model of Groups reading out the Opening and Closing lines and of listening without interruption when each attendee speaks in turn.Such Groups will be listed on the FAN website on this page. They will also have access to all FAN Charity Policy Documents as are publicly available on the FAN website. The FAN Manager should be the first point within the Charity for any communication purposes.
However, the FAN Charity will not be responsible for the activities or local marketing of these Groups.
Important! Some FAN meetings meet on Zoom but lots more are meeting Face to Face. Search Virtual FAN for all Zoom FAN Groups, search by area for Face to Face Groups. Any problems do use the contact us page.
There is 1 London group currently on a break.